Data for: Modification of the “Acute” method for calculating the final preferred temperatures as applied to Daphnia longispina (Crustacea: Cladocera)
Scientific hypothesis: final preferred temperatures (FTP) in unacclimated animals caught from a water body can be calculated using the “acute” method. However, for such conditions, the FPT should be calculated not at the point of the intersection of the preferred temperature (PT) line with the median, but over the range of values limited by the standard deviation lines of the PT crossing the median. We believe that this approach allows to calculate the correspondence of the preferred temperature and the temperature conditions in which the objects of study lived in the natural environment more accurately. Using D. longispina as an example, it was shown that the “acute” method can be used to determine the FPT not only in animals acclimated to constant temperatures, but also in animals captured from natural habitats and placed in a gradient without preliminary acclimation. But in this case, the determination of the final preferred temperatures can not only be limited to the “acute” method in its classical formulation. To identify the full range of preferred temperatures, it is necessary to conduct an additional analysis of the graph used in calculation of the FPT. The FPT will be not one value corresponding to the intersection point of the PT graph and the median, but a range of values limited by the lines of standard deviations of the PT crossing the median. It is also obvious that additional testing of this approach on other types of exothermic animals is required.