Dataset for PV Array in Mt. Hope T&TEC Location Trinidad and Tobago 2012

Published: 25 June 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vc7rpc6gtc.1
Nia Thompson


This research examined the PV module under Trinidad and Tobago’s climatic conditions. Based on the literature, the performance of PV modules varies with climate and one of the most significant factors in this variation is the operating cell temperature of the module. The literature shows several methods for calculating this temperature using environmental parameters. In keeping with the goals which are: 1. Identify any reduction in performance due to temperature in Trinidad. 2. Identify the existing models capabilities to predict cell temperature in Trinidad. 3. Determine the effect humidity has on the cell temperature in Trinidad. The data for the 2.2kW mono-Si system (LG 255S1C-G2 ) was taken by a sunny-boy inverter system in conjunction with a reference cell mounted in the POA. The thermocouples were place on the back surface, showing no variation of temperature across the surface, secured with a thermally conductive tape. The anemometer was placed on the windward side of the modules, which is north-east. Data was collected in a table like format to a connected computer in the building’s interior. They were located at the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission building in Mt Hope. They were oriented Southward at a tilt of 11 o, keeping the position the same would negate any effects the roof surface or geographical location would have and these impacts would be encompassed in the power output. The effect of being on a sloped roof which the literature shows increases back surface temperature was accounted for by both installations being a flat roof, raised over 6” off the surface.



University of the West Indies at Saint Augustine Faculty of Science and Technology


Electrical Solar Energy Systems, Solar Energy Physics, Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy
