The adaptation of butterfly wing cooling

Published: 27 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vc8fvc3drv.1
Chufei Tang


Data S1. Wing temperature data of the three Danainae species when the four types of specimens were fully heated. Data S2. Wing temperature data of the 99 butterfly species when their separated wings were fully heated. Data S3. Measured emissivity data of the three Danainae species. Data S4. Structural data of the wing scales of the three Danainae species.


Steps to reproduce

Wing temperature measurements The wing temperature data were extracted from the photos taken with a thermal camera (CEM DT-9885) using IRMeter v1.0.4. The maximum, minimum, and mean temperatures from the base to the outer margin of the butterfly wings were automatically counted by IRMeter v1.0.4. These data were used to calculate the range and standard deviation of wing temperature. The temperature of particular points of the wings, which was used to test the correlation between wing temperature and emissivity, was acquired using the spot mode of IRMeter v1.0.4. Emissivity measurements Emissivity data were calculated from the measured optical spectra, as it equals 1 – transmissivity – reflectivity in mid-infrared waveband, as Kirchhoff's law demonstrated. The transmissivity and reflectivity spectra were collected using a Fourier infrared spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet iS50) at a stable room temperature of 25°C. Wing scale structure measurements Wing scale structure was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Zeiss EVO-LS10) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM) (JEOL JEM-1400 Flash). All data were measured from images using Fiji (ImageJ).


Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Thermoregulation in Animals


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province

