Northern White-Cedar Regeneration, ACAD Plot Inventory Data
Published: 28 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vctr8jbkh4.1
Jeanette AllogioDescription
These data were collected during the summer of 2019 at three plots in Acadia National Park (NPS Study# ACAD-00513, Permit# ACAD-2019-SCI-0040) as part of a Master's thesis project conducted by Jeanette Allogio at the University of Maine. This study, titled Microsite Requirements for Successful Regeneration in Lowland Northern White-Cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) Forests, investigated the association between live northern white-cedar regeneration in the seedling and sapling size classes with fine-scale microsite conditions including microtopography, canopy openness, neighborhood crowding, and browse. This data set includes inventories of trees, saplings, and seedlings at three plots.
Forest Ecology