Data for: Made for the job or by the job? A lab-in-the-field experiment with firefighters

Published: 28 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vf5df2w49d.1
Ondřej Krčál, Rostislav Staněk, Martin Slanicay


This is a data file related to the paper "Made for the job or by the job? A lab-in-the-field experiment with firefighters". The data file includes 9 variables: Bomb - the outcome of BRET task Gender Age Rank - applies only for firefighters, the ranks are coded as letters A to H. Letter A corresponds to the highest rank (captain), letter H to the lowest rank Kids - binary variable denoting whether subject has kids (1 have at least one kid, 0 does not have kids) Years in the corpse - number of years of firefighters service University education - binary variable denoting whether subject has university education (1 have university education, 0 do not have university education) Money - binary variable denoting whether subject has at least 1000 CZK per week after covering all necessities university education (1 Yes, 0 No)



