Insurance data for homeowners and motor insurance customers monitored over five years
Sample of 40,284 insurance private customers of a real portfolio of insurance policy holders in Spain with a motor insurance and a homeowners insurance contract. Customers are tracked from 2010 to 2014. Some customers do not renew their policies, so that they do not stay in the sample for five years. Data contain information on each customers, policies and yearly claims by type of contract. The file contains 122935 rows. Each customer is uniquely identified by an identification number, "PolID". Year of observation is recorded in column named “year” and it goes from 1 to 5. Records are presented ordered by years and by PolID within each year. Given that some policy holders do not renew the two policies in the insurance company, the number of customers per year decreases over time. The description of the data is the following: “gender" is 1 for male and 0 for female), "Age_client" is the age of the customer in years, "age_of_car_M" I s the number of years since the vehicle was bought by the customer, "Car_power_M" is the power of th vehicle, "Car_2ndDriver_M" equals 1 if the customer has informed the insurance company that a second occasional driver uses the vehicle, and 0 otherwise, "num_policiesC" is the total number of policies held by the same customer in the insurance company, "metro_code" equals 1 for urban or metropolitan and 0 for rural, "Policy_PaymentMethodA" equals 1 for annual payment and 0 for monthly payment in the motor policy, "Policy_PaymentMethodH" equals 1 for annual payment and 0 for monthly payment in the homeowners policy, "Insuredcapital_content_re" is the value of content in homeowners insurance , "Insuredcapital_continent_re" is the value of building in homeowners insurance, "appartment" equals 1 if the homeowners insurance correspond to an apartment and 0 otherwise "Client_Seniority" is the number of years that the customer has been in the company, "Retention" equals 1 if the policy is renewed and 0 otherwise,"NClaims1" is the number of claims in the motor insurance policy for the corresponding year, "NClaims2" is the number of claims in the motor insurance policy for the corresponding year, "Claims1" is the sum of claims cost in the motor insurance policy for the corresponding year,"Claims2" is the sum of claims cost in the homeowners insurance policy for the corresponding year, "Types" is equal to 1 when neither an auto nor a home claim, it is equal to 2 when the customer has an auto but not a home claim, it is equal to 3 when the customer does not have not an auto but a home claim and it is equal to 4 when both an auto and a home claim. All monetary units are expressed in Euros. In motor insurance, only claims at fault are considered.