Transient Analysis of the 1970 Windscale Nuclear Criticality Incident

Published: 1 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vg5gn73yhh.1
Jasmin Daniels


In accordance with EPSRC funding requirements, this supplementary dataset provides all supporting data used to create figures in the following reference: Daniels, J., Williams, M.M.R., Eaton, M.D., 2023. Transient Analysis of the 1970 Windscale Nuclear Criticality Incident. Progress in Nuclear Energy. This dataset provides the results of computational simulations which model several transient nuclear criticality excursions similar to the incident which occurred at the Windscale Works in 1970. Each folder of this dataset has either a single python script, or multiple python scripts accompanied by a readme file, which the viewer can run to generate the figures presented in the above reference.



Imperial College London


Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Criticality Safety
