Melioidosis Project 2021: Systematic Review of Case Reports 2016-2021 Dataset

Published: 26 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vhjkn28gd4.1


This is the dataset of the Melioidosis Project 2021.


Steps to reproduce

We conducted a wide-ranging literature search following a very systematic approach to identify the related studies of Melioidosis, specifically focused on the incidences, case fatality rates and epidemiology of the disease. The literature search was conducted on 5th April 2021. Five reliable medical databases are searched to obtain relevant articles. They are PubMed, Ovid, EMBASE, Scopus and Web of Science. The search strategy involved the Medical Subject Heading or free terms/keywords as its synonyms such as (“Melioidosis” OR “Whitmore’s disease” OR “Burkholderia pseudomallei infection” OR “Pseudoglanders” OR “Nightcliff gardener’s disease”) to ensure the complete coverage, so that there will not be any article miss out during the search. Studies on human subjects were included in this review i.e. studies on animal subjects such as livestock and animal models are left out. We also excluded the articles related to non-living subjects such as soil properties and water properties. We included only those articles which were written in English and published from 2016 to 2021. We incorporated studies with patients of both genders into the review. While selecting the articles, we focused on case reports and case series only. Book chapters, conference abstracts, editorials, correspondences, and encyclopaedias are excluded. Journals that are of veterinary, dentistry and agricultural science are omitted as well.


Monash University - Malaysia Campus


Microbiology, Epidemiology, Case Report, Systematic Review
