Data for: Socio-economic impacts of Doha Model water harvesting structures in Jalna, Maharashtra

Published: 7 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vhp6d8732f.1
Shashank Deora, Gyanesh Nanore


This research data is the data of the two groups of households, treatment group and control group households used for the study entitled "Socio-economic impacts of Doha Model water harvesting structures in Jalna, Maharashtra". It contains data in two different worksheets, one for each of the household groups. The two groups are: Treatment group households - Household which have their agricultural fields within 200 meters from the stream banks Control group households - Households which have their agricultural fields beyond 200 meters from the stream banks. This research data has demographic details of the households across both the hosuehold groups. It contains crop production, agricultural income and self consumption data for each of the household, for two different periods - one before Doha Model digging took place and second after Doha Model digging took place. This data also contains the details of livestock ownership for the treatment group hosueholds.



Groundwater Recharge, Crop Production, Agricultural Irrigation, Household
