Data and code from: A repeatable and quantitative DNA metabarcoding assay to characterize mixed strongyle infections in horses. Int J Parasitology

Published: 24 June 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/vhyysw8xt2.2
Jocelyn Poissant,


Raw ITS2 sequences, R script to process sequences into Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) and assign taxonomy, the ITS2 database required to conduct taxonomic assignment, and resulting nemabiome results, as reported in Poissant et al. A repeatable and quantitative DNA metabarcoding assay to characterize mixed strongyle infections in horses. Int J Parasitology. An error was present in the original R script. The corrected script/pipeline is now Poissant_et_al_equine_nemabiome_pipeline_v2. The currated database used in the original publication is Poissant_et_al_Equine_Parasitic_Nematodes_Reference_Taxonomy_Database_v1.fasta. This database has been updated following the release of a newer ITS2 nematode database on The curated version of that database for use in equine nemabiome analyses is provided here (version 1.3). Please cite the original article if using any of this code or data.



University of Calgary - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Veterinary Medicine, Parasitology, Equine Parasitology, Horse, Equus, Metabarcoding
