Datasets on material properties and energy yields of lab-designed organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) components
Published: 21 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vj6cmc4h3m.1
, Benedikt Hülsemann, Johanna Eichermüller, Florian Empl, Jens Poetsch, Stefan Pelz, Daniel Kuptz, Hans Oechsner, Joachim MüllerDescription
Dataset (File A-E): - Recipes for lab-designed OFMSW components such as "Food Waste", "Green Waste" or "Paper Waste" (File A) - Material properties such as concentrations of dry matter, organic dry matter and elements (C, H, N) of all OFMSW components (File B) - Data on gross calorific value and ash melting behavior of all OFMSW components (File C) - Data on specific methane yields (anaerobic digestion) of all OFMSW components (File D) - Data on storage experiments with food waste (File E) as supplementary material for research article "Improving the energetic utilization of household food waste: Impact of temperature and atmosphere during storage" (
Bioenergy, Anaerobic Digestion, Municipal Waste, Combustion, Food Waste