Dataset with SNARE and COG siRNA treated HeLa Cells Stained With Helix Pomatia Lectin and Hoechst. 3 fields only. HCSU cell vignette and feature extraction program
HeLa cells Transfected with On target Plus siRNA pool 25nM(Dharmacon) for 72 hours. Gene targeted are SNARE(SNAP (Soluble NSF Attachment Protein) REceptor) and COG (Conserved Olgomeric Golgi). A plate map layout(Plate layout Information. xls) is provided with Well location of each gene in the zip package. Each Gene is run in 4 replicate wells. Cells are stained with Helix Pomatia Lectin(HPL) fused to Alexa 647 dye(channel2) and Hoechst as a nuclear dye(channel1). Images were acquired with a Phenix Opera(Perkin Elmer) and 20X water immersion Lens. Due to data size limit and cost of the repository only Images for 3 fields are provided for each well. Original complete dataset includes 8 fields. Nomenclature of the image files inthe zip package follow this logical order: r01c02f01p01-ch1sk1fk1fl1: r01 refers to row 1 of the plate layout c02 refers to column 2 of the plate layout f01 refers to field1, f02 field 2.... Ch1 refers to channel 1(hoechst), Ch2 refers to HPL data Dataset to be used with HCS program for automatic segmentation of 113 nuclear and 124 cellular feature is provided as a zip package in 10 block files of 1GB with original Tiff files from Opera Phenix acquired at 20X. HCS program is provided as a HCSU zip package with instructions for usage in a readme.txt file as well as examples of outupt inside the Zip file.