Glioma Dataset from Rabat: Clinicopathological, immunohistochemical and disease progression features of 32 Moroccan patients with Glioma.

Published: 27 April 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/vkt6p2xztv.2
Fatima SFIFOU,


Glioma Dataset from Rabat contains the clinical data of 32 patients with glioma. The clinical data including demographic data (age, sex), tumor characteristics (tumor location, Glioma type, Karnofsky performance score, mitotic activity, cell density, necrosis, endotheliocapillary vascular proliferation, MRI contrast pick-up, corpus collosum infiltration and Oedema), treatment strategy (subtotal resection, gross resection, biopsy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy), expression pattern of tumor biomarkers (IDH1, HIF-1alpha, P53, Ki-67), and survival data (Kaplan-Meier curves for disease progression).


Steps to reproduce

The dataset consists of one Excel file, one word file (Patient follow up template) and Immunochemistry images. The Excel file contains the raw data and includes: patient ID, demographic data (age, sex), tumor characteristics (tumor location, Glioma type, Karnofsky performance score, mitotic activity, cell density, necrosis, endotheliocapillary vascular proliferation, MRI contrast pick-up, corpus collosum infiltration and Oedema), treatment strategy (subtotal resection, gross resection, biopsy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy), expression pattern of tumor biomarkers (IDH1, HIF-1alpha, P53, Ki-67), and disease progression.


Universite Mohammed V de Rabat Faculte de Medecine et de Pharmacie Rabat


