Differential cross section for the reaction 206Pb(p,p') via the isolated isobaric analog resonance g9/2 in 207Bi and fits of angular distributions by Legendre polynomials
Differential cross section for 206Pb(p,p') via the isolated isobaric analog resonance (IAR) g9/2 in 207Bi for runs on the g9/2 IAR and off resonance [1]. Fits with the triangular method described in [3] are shown as scans of the original line printer output. Mostly one run on the g9/2 IAR is displayed on 28 pages and one run off resonance is displayed on 14 pages. scan1.pdf, scan2.pdf, scan3.pdf, scan4.pdf contain the scans. scan1pages.ps, scan2pages.ps, scan3pages.ps, scan4pages.ps contain the first and last page of each run. scan4.ps includes scan4Linien.ps and scan4Amptei.FOR.ps scan4Linien.ps contains the fit of the angular distributions for the levels shown in Table 2 of [1] in two variants with maximum degree (a) K = 2 and (b) K = 6. scan4Amptei.FOR.pdf ("Amplituden Eier") shows an early version of a FORTRAN computer code to calculate the dependence of amplitudes for three 1p1h configurations on the Legendre polynomial coefficients A_K in a plot of the ratio of A_2 / A_0 (abscissa) and A_4 / A_0 (ordinate) as explained in [2]. Needed s.p. widths are described in [3], geometrical factors in [4]. An alternate modern version [5] written in the computer language IDL helps to find the needed subroutines. Several comments are visible in the scans. In Scan3.pdf on page 8 next to the 3- yrast state the 3- yrast state of 208Pb is visible and marked. References [1] J. Solf, C. F. Moore, E. Grosse, and P. von Brentano. https://doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(69)90276-0 [2] A. Heusler, H. L. Harney, J. P. Wurm. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375947469900074 [3] A. Heusler, H.-J. Gl\"ockner, E. Grosse, C. F. Moore, J. Solf, P. von Brentano. https://doi.org/10.1140/epja/i2014-14092-y [4] E. Zettwitz; Ed. A. Heusler. https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/3th7z3jxsv/1 [5] A. Heusler. https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/c8z7s2pdwc.1