E-learning is a method of communication between the student and the professor A study of its nature and negative and positive effects

Published: 15 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vkwx94bxfy.1
Ahmed Alalaq


The phenomenon of distance education is considered one of the most prominent phenomena that have accompanied the world community since the emergence of the digital and technical revolution, and the need for these digital technologies has intensified with the increasing cases of urgent need for them according to reality data. For example, the world’s need for e-learning technologies has emerged in the wake of the Corona pandemic, which has proven The features of e-learning are no less important than in-person education. Rather, distance education has surpassed the importance that in-person education has, according to the advantages and data provided by this type of education (distance education), which has influenced the virtual educational reality and led to the production of a distinguished group of professors who are proficient in Dealing with computers and electronics, which in itself constituted a positive point among a series of positives that emerged from this education.



