Synthesis of almost stoichiometric nanosized cathode materials Li1-xNi1+xO2 by a combined method and study of their physical and electrochemical characteristics: microstructures
Published: 11 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vm2g4h8c6k.1
Roman Korneykov, Description
Cathode materials based on almost stoichiometric lithium nickelates have been synthesized. Samples were nanosized. The materials composition was Li0.98Ni1.02О2 (Sample 4) and Li0.79Ni1.21О2 (Sample 6). The sample 4 was synthesized at the following conditions: Li:Ni = 10:1; threatment temperature T=700C; treatment time t = 60 min. The sample 6 was synthesized at the following conditions: Li:Ni = 10:1; threatment temperature T=700C; treatment time t = 30 min. SEM images were obained by SEM LEO-420 scanning electron microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany). The ScanMaster (National research nuclear university (MEPHI), Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia) program was used for mathematical processing of images and calculation of grain sizes.
Institut himii i tehnologii redkih elementov i mineral'nogo syr'a imeni I V Tananaeva KNC RAN
Cathode Materials for Batteries, Microstructure, Lithium Ion Battery, Grain Size