Data of the Randomized Controlled Trial for the ESMATE project in El Salvador (Lower secondary level) from 2018 to 2019
This is the anonymized dataset of the Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) for the ESMATE project in El Salvador (Lower secondary level). The RCT was conducted in collaboration between the Ministry of Education in El Salvador and JICA from 2018 to 2019. The ESMATE project is the JICA-support project in El Salvador. The project title in Spanish is "Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Aprendizajes en Matemática en Educación Básica y Educación Media: ESMATE.” The attached R script is for the following paper: Maruyama, Takao. Forthcoming. "Strengthening Support of Teachers for Students to Improve Learning Outcomes in Mathematics: Empirical Evidence on a Structured Pedagogy Program in El Salvador." International Journal of Educational Research. R script was written by Takao Maruyama. The dataset and codebooks uploaded in this website were also prepared by Takao Maruyama.
Steps to reproduce
The file of "data_and_software_ijer" lists data and files stored. Please store the csv files in the working directory of your PC and run the R codes (scripts). The R codes (scripts) correspond to the analysis in the abovementioned paper.