Cyclical Rs-A-Rsh I-V Curve Fitting MATLAB program with I-V curve experimental measurements

Published: 10 September 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/vn55rxxw8y.2
, Landon Y.H. Hoo


Measurement datasets are attached in Microsoft workbook format, entitled as: 1)Mono70W 999 Irradiance 2)Poly70W 1000 Irradiance which are the experimentally measured I-V curves for both mono- and poly- crystalline silicon PV modules. The datasets are obtained by connecting the PV Analyzer towards the targetted PV module, placing the PV module directly under the sun, in which such experiment is conducted in the afternoon. The generated reports from the PV Analyzer's software are filtered, and two of the datasets are selected to present in this paper. Other than the measured specification of the PV module, the datasets also consist three columns of data, which are the voltage, current and power. By plotting these data points accordingly towards x- and y- axis, the experimentally measured I-V and/or P-V curve is obtained. Total of 2 main programs developed through MATLAB platform are attached, entitled as: 1)IV_Curve_Characterization_Proposed_Model 2)IV_Curve_Characterization_Traditional_Model which are the I-V curve fitting parameterization algorithm respectively for proposed and traditional mathematical model. The rest of the .m files are coded to complement the features provided in the main programs. The program entitled "WinOnTop" is obtained from, thus cited as: Igor (2020). WinOnTop (, GitHub. Retrieved June 6, 2020. By executing the programs in MATLAB, press the "Load File" button to select the I-V curve dataset. The user can adjust the Rs, A, and Rsh parameters by pressing the interface button, or pressing the "Auto" button to execute the Cyclical Rs-A-Rsh parameterization algorithm that programmed by the author targeting the objective of minimizing the MAEP error between measured and modeled I-V curve. While the three parameters are adjusting, the information will be updated accordingly. When the "Auto" curve-fitting is completed, a report can be generated showing the successive MAEP iteration throughout the curve fitting if the user presses the "OK" button on the generated window. A folder entitled "Result" is attached, including four .m files and eight .fig files, which all of these are presented in the result section of the paper. Two main programs entitled: 1)MAEP_Plotter_Mono 2)MAEP_Plotter_Poly are attached to compare the obtained results. Comparisons are made between the traditional and proposed mathematical models.



UCSI University


Mathematical Modeling, Photovoltaic Modules
