Rabbit Encephalopathy of Prematurity NBA data

Published: 25 September 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/vnrxw7dvrg.2
Hannes van der Merwe


Neurobehavioral evaluations were carried out in the early mornings before feeding using a modified neurobehavioral scoring protocol described previously. Evaluations were videotaped and afterwards scored by two observers blinded to the group allocation. The evaluation was in a designated space close to their incubator with auditory and olfactory contamination kept to a minimum. Before handling they remain undisturbed in this assessment area for a 1-3min adaptation period. The motor function (tone, motor activity, and locomotion, righting reflex, and gait) and sensation (touching the whiskers with cotton swab and a mild pin prick to evaluate pain sensation on the hind limbs) including cranial nerves (olfaction, sucking and swallowing and head turn to feeding) was assessed.



Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Groep Biomedische Wetenschappen


Neurobehavioral Testing
