Vertical velocity fields along the Eastern Mediterranean coast as revealed by late Holocene sea-level markers
These datasets accompany the paper "Vertical velocity fields along the Eastern Mediterranean coast as revealed by late Holocene sea-level markers" (Liberatore et al., 2022). The publication of these data is intended to facilitate the reader's understanding of the results, ensure their reproducibility, and encourage future research. - The file "EASTMED.xlsx" represents all the late Holocene sea-level markers used in the analysis. It includes 200 points along the entire coast from Turkey to Israel. It represents the input file of the vertical velocity analysis published in the article. - In the file "RSL_curves" the elevation and age of the individual sea-level markers are plotted together with the Relative Sea Level curves calculated with the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) models. An initial legend will clarify how to read these results. - "GIA_corrections_table" file displays the GIA correction for each marker and each GIA model used in the analysis. -
Steps to reproduce
The step-by-step method is explained in detail in the article associated with this database (Liberatore et al., 2022)