Youth Entrepreneurship in Fairfield, Sydney, Australia

Published: 20 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vp52s6dt46.1
Agustina Himawan


Interview transcripts conducted for a paper exploring how the socioeconomic history of a multicultural area predominated with refugee family businesses may impact the present entrepreneurship culture, intent, and practices to provide foundation for further studies in the area. Interview was conducted on Fairfield entrepreneurs, aged 18-35 years old, and key stakeholders such as the Fairfield City Council. Most of the entrepreneurs were born and raised in the area and stayed to operate their business there, with the exception of one who moved to a different area to operate their business and one who moved into the area and have been operating their business from the area. Fairfield is a local government area (LGA) in Sydney, Australia, known for its multicultural landscape with more than half of the population being born outside of Australia.


Steps to reproduce

Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Interviewees were selected based on their involvement with entrepreneurial initiatives within the Fairfield LGA, NSW. To gain a nuanced perspective of the landscape, different types of entrepreneurs in the area were welcomed to share their experiences and thoughts in the interview using a snowball sampling method. The invitation was extended to start-ups supported by universities or accelerators, start-up founders who received informal or different types of support and networks, small to medium business owners who own a physical store, and online retailers operating in Fairfield. This phase also involved consultations with community groups, Fairfield City Council, business advisors, representatives from local business associations, and RDA Sydney. Consultations with secondary stakeholders also facilitated further participant recruitment from snowball sampling. Snowball sampling was selected to prevent challenges reported in previous research in contacting Fairfield business owners.


University of Technology Sydney


Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Multiculturalism, Youth, International Migration, Assessment of Career Decision-Making
