Technical/economic feasibility of the adequacy of a fully renewable power system: the case study of the Sardinia island

Published: 31 March 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/vpfwyznvpm.3
marco maccioni


The dataset provides input data of the mixed zonal/nodal LP procedure developed for the feasibility study. Also data and results related to "Case6" and "Case 24" case studies are reported. - Hourly hydro inflow data are provided as daily average flow rates, expressed in m3/h: for a given day, hourly flow rates are obrtained considering them constant during the day and equal to the daily average value. Hourly flow rates are then converted from m3/h to hm3. - For case6 and case24 hourly load coefficients are provided. Hourly nodal loads are obtained by multiplying for each bus the bus load in the base case file and the hourly load coefficients. - For the Sardinia island case, hourly aggregate loads are provided. Hourly load coefficients are obtained by dividing hourly aggregate loads by the aggregate load in the base case file. Hourly nodal loads are then obtained in the same way of case6 and case24. - For the Sardinia island case, nodes are grouped into zones according to the ‘area’ values reported in the bus data of ‘Sardinia.m’. - For the Sardinia island case, the list of nodes where installation of PV plants and onshore wind plants is not allowed is reported in the file 'List_of_nodes_with_PV_and_W_generation_not_allowed.xlsx'. - In all cases, hourly dispatch and installed generation are in MW



Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza


Electrical Engineering, Large-Scale Renewable Energy Integration
