Aspects of perturbation theory in quantum mechanics: The BenderWuMathematica® package
We discuss a general setup which allows the study of the perturbation theory of an arbitrary, locally harmonic 1D quantum mechanical potential as well as its multi-variable (many-body) generalization. The latter may form a prototype for regularized quantum field theory. We first generalize the method of Bender-Wu, and derive exact recursion relations which allow the determination of the perturbative wave-function and energy corrections to an arbitrary order, at least in principle. For 1D systems, we implement these equations in an easy to use Mathematica® package we call BenderWu. Our package enables quick home-computer computation of high orders of perturbation theory (about 100 orders in 10–30 s, and 250 orders in 1–2 h) and enables practical study of a large class of problems in Quantum Mechanics. We have two hopes concerning the BenderWu package. One is that due to resurgence, large amount of non-perturbative information, such as non-perturbative energies and wave-functions (e.g. WKB wave functions), can in principle be extracted from the perturbative data. We also hope that the package may be used as a teaching tool, providing an effective bridge between perturbation theory and non-perturbative physics in textbooks. Finally, we show that for the multi-variable case, the recursion relation acquires a geometric character, and has a structure which allows parallelization to computer clusters.