Phlebia brevispora BAF633 proteome
Published: 27 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vr8424mn5k.1
Noelia Schroder, Anibal Sebastian Chelaliche, Maria Rodriguez, Pedro Dario Zapata, María FonsecaDescription
This is the proteome (NS01 and NS02) and secretome (NS03 and NS04) of Phlebia brevispora BAF633 obtained from the mycellium of the fungus harvested in a liquid malt extract medium supplemented with L-tyrosine. The data was obtained via nanoHPCL MS/MS and by using the proteome discover software. This dataset contains the accesion number of every protein identified.
Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce are found in a txt file in the dataset files.
Universidad Nacional de Misiones Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Quimicas y Naturales
Mycology, Enzyme Secretion, Proteome Analysis