A dataset for oxytocin loaded nanoparticles and their effects on pentylenetetrazole-kindling model of male rats

Published: 27 June 2022| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/vrpw86vx8f.4


Temporal lob epilepsy (TLE) related to hippocampus is characterized with seizures. Memory-related cognitive abnormalities are important problems with this disorder. Pentilentetrazol (PTZ)-kindling is one of the models which is applied on rodents in order to investigate TLE. Findings for the histopathology of hippocampus are like decrease of neurogenesis, and short-time memory alterations are seen in the PTZ-kindling model which are also related to human TLE. Although exogenously application of oxytocin (OT) hormone researches are increasing for the effects of brain and related pathophysiologies, epilepsy-related studies are highly limited. According to previous data about OT application for non-invasive and efficiently passing through the brain, it is seen that intranasal (IN) pathway and OT loaded nanoparticles (NP-OTs) are prominent methods for that issue. This study aims IN administrated NP-OTs and their effects on pentylenetetrazole-kindling model of male rats This dataset includes some data of the author's master thesis found in Council of Education Thesis Center (https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/giris.jsp) with the 657706 thesis number.


Steps to reproduce

In this study, animals were randomly divided for the following groups: control (Ctrl) (n=6), Ctrl+OT (n=5), Ctrl+NP-OT (n=5), PTZ (n=8), PTZ+OT (n=8), PTZ+NP-OT (n=8). During the experiment three animals (n = 3) were either injured or died from the procedure, therefore their data was not used for the study. Grading subconvulsive dose of PTZ (P6500, Sigma-Alrich, Germany) dissolved in sterile 0.9% saline (NaCl) (35 mg/kg, 37.5 mg/kg, or 40 mg/kg respectively from 1. dose, 14. dose, and 21. dose) was injected to the rats of PTZ, PTZ+OT, and PTZ+NP-OT groups intraperitoneally for every 48 hours. Animals were recorded to the video following 20 mins of injections and scored using Racine’s scale revised for PTZ-kindling rats (Lüttjohann et al., 2009). Animals were sacrificed by perfusion fixation method (Perfusion Fixation.mp4) right after blood was collected via their jugular veins (Blood Collection.mp4). The representative scores given by the researcher are shown in the "Movies of Representative Seizure Scores" folder. Seizure intensity stages were sudden behavioral arrest and/or motionless staring (seizure_score_1a.mov), facial jerking with muzzle or muzzle and eye (seizure_score_2a.mov and seizure_score_2b.mov), neck jerks (seizure_score_3a.mov and seizure_score_3b.mov), clonic seizure in a sitting position (seizure_score_4a.mov), convulsions including clonic and/or tonic-clonic seizures while lying on the belly and/or pure tonic seizures (seizure_score_5a.mov), convulsions including clonic and/or tonic-clonic seizures while lying on the side and/or wild jumping (seizure_score_6a.mov, seizure_score_6b.mov, and seizure_score_6c.mov), death (not given). Data for max. seizure score, seizure latency (and max. seizure latency), Y-Maze test, and histopathological score on the hippocampus tissues are given in the dataset as excel formats (.xlsx). Furthermore, microphotographs for both positive and negative controls related to our histochemistry method are given here (Figure 1S).


Istanbul Universitesi-Cerrahpasa


Neuroscience, Histology, Nanoparticles, Behavior (Neuroscience), Neurogenesis, Oxytocin, Animal Models of Epilepsy
