PAICE Suite Analysis of Coding and Non-Coding Genes in Macrophages

Published: 24 June 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/vrt3wdnf6y.2


Supplemental File 1 contains the ECHO analysis of all macrophage protein-coding RNAs. Supplemental File 2 contains the ECHO analysis of all macrophage proteins. Supplemental File 3 contains the list of proteins that required manual identification or deletion preceding analysis. Supplemental File 4 contains the ENCORE analysis of all macrophage protein-coding RNAs. Supplemental File 5 contains the ENCORE analysis of all macrophage proteins. Supplemental File 6 contains the MOSAIC analysis of the comparison between mRNA and protein. Supplemental File 7 contains raw TPM values of detected ncRNA. Supplemental File 8 contains the ECHO analysis of the ncRNA categories for pseudogenes and snoRNA. Supplemental File 9 contains the ECHO analysis of the ncRNA category for lncRNA. Supplemental File 10 contains a list of the circadian, disease-associated mouse lncRNAs analyzed using the LncRNADisease v2.0 database and their human orthologs. Supplemental File 11 contains the list of spliceosomal genes adapted from KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) to identify the spliceosomal transcripts and proteins in the spliceosomal complexes. Supplemental File 12 contains the ECHO analysis of the ncRNA category for snRNA. Supplemental File 13 contains the NCBI annotation of all snRNAs.



Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Circadian Rhythm
