INPs - experimental stages
This data was used to characterize Immune-neuroendocrine phenotypes in quails during four experimental stages: juveniles, adults before stress exposure, adults after stress exposure, and senescense.
Steps to reproduce
The experiment consisted in evaluating selected INE representative variables (previously associated with Immune Neuroendine Phenotypes (See Nazar et al. 2015) in four target stages of analysis: 1) juvenile quail (6 wks of age); 2) adult quail (15 wks of age), when birds evidenced full maturity (fully active foam gland in males and females peaking egg production (~one egg per day) and prior to birds´ exposure to a chronic disruptive event (UCSE protocol, see Nazar et al. 2015); 3) After the UCSE ended (17 wks of age) and 4) during senescence (27 wks of age). Variables tested: Response to PHA-P injection; Antibody response to SRBC; Corticosterone and testosterone analyses;Frequency of leukocyte subpopulation distribution; Cytokines (IFN-Gamma, IL-1B, IL-4, IL-13) .
Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
PICT 2016-1979