Analysis of Tyre Tread for Metal Tracers - ICP-MS Tyre Data

Published: 11 January 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/vsf74x9ctz.3


Tyre metadata and ICP-MS analysis data for manuscript entitled Multi-element analysis of tyre rubber for metal tracers Tyre rubber tread was digested and analysed by ICP-MS for 25 elements. 19 were reliably detected. This data includes the metadata for the tyres sampled, including manufacturer, model, speed and load ratings etc and ICP-MS analysis data. These data are presented partially anonymised, so that individual analysis cannot be linked to a specific tyre. Blank cells indicated data below the limit of detection. All data should be interpreted ± the expanded uncertainty calculated to be 12.6%, calculated using a coverage factor of 2, which gives a level of confidence of approximately 95%.



University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences, MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge Department of Engineering


Environmental Toxin, Environmental Pollution, Source Apportionment, Air Pollution Characterization


Medical Research Council

National Institute for Health Research
