Data of correlation between mean quantity of insecticide powder measured by the containers used by IRS squads of blocks versus reduction in kala-azar incidence of the blocks (2017 compared to 2016)
This data describes the kala-azar (visceral leishmaniasis) incidences on 2016 and 2017 of 46 sub-districts across 12 districts of Bihar. Mean quantity of insecticide powder measured in these blocks for preparing 7.5 Litres of insecticide suspension is also provided. A correlation of this mean quantity with the reduction of incidence in 2017 (as compared to that of 2016) may be performed.
Steps to reproduce
1. Create a scatter plot with MeanInsecticideweight(g) (column G) as X-axis and KAincidencereduction(2017vs2016) (column F) as Y-axis and Block (column B) as legend. Correlation can be done similarly. 2. In order to perform correlation with only those blocks which measured insecticide quantity of 125 grams or more, filter 'Yes' in MeanInsecticideweight(g)>125g (column H). Repeat the instruction as mentioned in Step 1 above.