Towards real-time vibro-acoustic classification, verification and tracking of in-flight UAVs - Spectrogram Dataset

Published: 31 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vv38pyscdn.1
Reece Holmewood


This data set was generated for the purpose of training a CNN to classify UAVs based on their in-flight vibration signature. For more information refer to publication "Towards real-time vibro-acoustic classification, verification and tracking of in-flight UAVs" by R. Holmewood, B. Halkon and A. Darwish. (Publication location will be added once accepted) Folder structure presents the initial tier being spectral resolution divisions, with the proceeding layers being based on colour axis values.


Steps to reproduce

Refer to publication "Towards real-time vibro-acoustic classification, verification and tracking of in-flight UAVs" authored by R. Holmewood, B. Halkon and A. Darwish. (Publication location will be added once accepted)


University of Technology Sydney


Vibration (Acoustics), Drone (Aircraft)
