Tree Charcoal Data Afram Plains

Published: 14 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vv38xp886m.1
Thelma Arko


This is data collected in a ground truth study to estimate the tree cover loss due to charcoal production activities on the Afram plains, a semi-deciduous forest-savannah ecosystem in Ghana. Data was collected across 4 communities (Forifori, Odumasua, Tease and Anlofasso) on the Afram plains. This data provides valuable insights into the impact of charcoal production on tree cover loss in the Afram Plains region. It quantifies the extent of tree removal, charcoal production efficiency, and land area impacted. Furthermore, it highlights the variation in these metrics across different sites and communities, potentially influenced by factors such as site conditions, production practices, and resource availability. The data was gathered through field surveys and measurements at various sites across the four communities. Some notable findings from the data include: 1. The percentage of tree removal for charcoal production varies significantly across different sites, ranging from as low as 0.12 (CharcoalASite 3) to 1.00 (AduanaSite 1, AnlofassoSite 4, ForiforiSite 11, ForiforiSite 15), indicating varying levels of impact on the tree population. 2. The average (median) number of bags of charcoal produced per tree was 0.5, irrespective of the tree species. 3. The average area of land cleared for charcoal production per bag of charcoal produced is 15.3m2 4. The most abundant tree species used for charcoal production appear to be Anogeissus sp., Pterocarpus sp., and Anwa, which are found across multiple sites and communities.



Universiteit Utrecht Departement of Economie


Environmental Science
