Data for: The measurement of productive performance with consideration for allocative efficiency

Published: 12 December 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/vv7kcbbfp8.2
Yu Zhao, Yukihiro Maruyama, Hiroshi Morita


This data set includes the primary sources of costs and revenue for a sample of 37 Japanese securities companies observed over the years 2011-2015. The data were gathered from annual securities report as published by each securities company. Those annual reports can be found from the investor relations library of each company’s homepage or Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA). The sample size is the 14.6% of members in JSDA (as of the end of the fiscal year 2016, the number of Japanese securities members in JSDA totaled 253 companies, excluding foreign securities members). According to JSDA, we further separated those observed companies into four groups. Note that M1~M5 are the major securities companies, B6~B12 are the bank-affiliated securities companies, O13~O19 are the online brokers, and I20~I37 are the other integrated securities companies.



Management, Productivity
