Hepatic transcriptomic and intestinal metagenomic analysis of swamp eel (Monopterus albus) fed high carbohydrate diets supplemented with sodium alginate
Increasing dietary carbohydrate can decrease the percent of other expensive energy sources in fish diets, hence decreasing the culturing cost and reducing the environmental ammonia emission. However, it has additionally been reported that high carbohydrate diets (HC) caused the damage of intestine and liver, which could result in severe health problems and reduce harvest yields in reared fish. Dietary sodium alginate (SA) has been shown to maintain a healthy status of liver and intestine in fish, thus, we hypothesized that HC supplemented with SA can improve HC-induced the damage of intestine and liver in fish. Firstly, we obtained the transcriptome of the fish by next generation sequencing (NGS) and de novo assbemby. We annotated the unigene of the transcriptome and analyzed differentially expressed genes (DEG) in liver of fish fed the normal diet (NC), high carbohydrate diet (HC), and high carbohydrate diets supplemented with 0.5% SA (LA). Secondly, we analyzed the composition and function of microbiota in the digesta in posterior intestine of fish fed NC, HC and LA diets by metagenomics analysis. Hepatic transcriptomic and intestinal metagenomic analysis revealed that several important DEG, KEGG pathway and microbiota were identified to be potentially involved in ameliorating the damage of intestine and liver in fish.
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Fish, Freshwater Biology, Aquaculture Nutrition