Winter acoustic activity of Nyctalus noctula in Wroclaw, Poland

Published: 10 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vwwkgsttz4.1
Kseniia Kravchenko


The data set presents a table of acoustic activity levels (number of sequences of each type of echolocation during 5-second period) of Nyctalus noctula bat during the winter 2011/2012 in the urban roosts in Wroclaw, Poland. The table contains 9 columns that correspond to 9 variables: T_roost - temperature inside the roost (in the degree Celsius); T_a - the ambient temperature outside the roost (in the degree Celsius); C-activity - activity inside the roost; P-activity - activity outside the roost; data_time_UTC - date and time of registration; hours_rad - time of the day in radians; cos1 - cosine of time; sin1 - sine of time; Time_rel - time realisation continuous vector numbering consequently each registration form the beginning to the end of the sampling period.


Steps to reproduce

Recording of bat activity We recorded vocalizations of bats at the roost, continuously from 17th November 2011 till 30th March 2012 with an Anabat SD1 bat detector (Titley Scientific, QLD, Australia). The detector was constantly operating under default zero-crossing mode. The detector stored bat calls on a CompactFlash card and was connected to a 12V battery. We changed the battery every two weeks and at the same time downloaded the data from the CompactFlash card. We had no re-cordings between the 7th and 22nd of March due to premature battery drain. We placed the detector in a plastic box to protect it from unfavorable weather conditions. We placed recording kits on the outside windowsill at a distance of 1.5 meters from the roosts. The microphone was directed towards the roost entrance. Temperature measurements We measured temperature each hour with two i-Button temperature data loggers (iBut-tons, Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas, TX, USA) with a temperature range from -40 to +85°C and an accuracy ±0.5°C. One logger was placed inside the roost and the second was placed outside the roost on the windowsill near the detector to measure ambient temperature. The indoor logger was placed 50 cm deep from the roost entrance and was placed into the plastic mesh grid to prevent direct contact of individuals with the logger.


Uniwersytet Wroclawski


Animal Acoustics
