Data for: Green Synthesis of Fluorescent Ag-Anionic Polyacrylamide Nanoparticles Gels Solution with High Stability via a Simple Template Method
The research data included 5 graphs.The schematic diagram of the synthesis of Ag-APAM NPs gels solution was shown in Fig. 1. Figure 2 shown the morphologies of Ag-APAM NPs gels solution (a, b), the photos of Ag-APAM NPs gels solution under the daylight lamp (c) and the UV lamp (d), EDAX spectrum (e) and Ag element mapping (f) of Ag-APAM NPs gel.SEM images of Ag-APAM NPs gel obtained after freeze-drying the solution with 25 µM APAM were shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b) and Fig.3(c,d) shown TEM images of Ag-APAM NPs gels solution prepared with 25 µM APAM under different magnifications.As shown in Fig. 4,we could obtain the average pore diameter of Ag-APAM NPs gels solution is about 62.8 nm according to the nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm.Finally, Fig. 5 was UV-vis spectra (a) and fluorescence spectra (b) of Ag-APAM NPs gels solution with different APAM concentrations.