Data for Phytochemical and GC-MS analysis of Thevetia peruviana fruit Methanol extracts as an Anti-rodenticide Potential against Balb C rats

Published: 9 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vwyfw8rmsm.1
, Grace Keddy,


The data contained here entails the extraction of active phytochemical compounds from Thevetia peruviana fruits, and testing for anti-rodenticide potential. The extract can be characterized by GC-MS, FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. and quantitatively analysed products. The data points for the FTIR results, photographs of the heart, kidney, and other internal parts of the rats before and after feeding them with the Thevetia peruviana extract. The data is presented in the form of images, tables, and Microsoft Excel data sheets, among others. This data can be utilized by researchers in the use of plants for controlling agricultural pests. In addition, the data can be utilized to compare results from similar studies and even replicate research as presented herein.


Steps to reproduce

Collect the T. peruviana fresh fruits from any nearby botanical garden, indicate the GPS, and take them to a taxonomist for authentication. Transport the samples to the laboratory, deposit a voucher specimen in triplicate in a Botany Herbarium and give accessory voucher numbers. Wash the samples thoroughly with running tap water to remove dust and other unwanted materials, and cut them into small pieces for air drying under shade or on the laboratory benches at room temperature for ten to fourteen days. Grind the dry samples to a fine powder, weigh them, pack them, and store them in clean, dry plastic bags. Extract using Ngugi et al.'s method, that is, weigh 300 g of the ground powder into a 2 L conical flask and soak it in a methanol-water (3:1) solution. Place the mixture in a mechanical shaker model for three hours at 130 RPM and allow it to stand for three days. Filter the extract using Whatman No. 1 filter paper and concentrate it using a rotary evaporator at 45°C to obtain a solid extract, weigh it, and determine the percentage yield. Phytochemical Analysis can be performed as follows: The detection of phenolic compounds can be performed using the lead acetate test by weighing 50 mg of methanol extract, dissolving it in distilled water, and adding 3 mL of a 10% lead acetate solution. The presence of phenolic compounds will be indicated by a bulky white precipitate. The detection of flavonoids will be performed using the alkaline reagent test. An aqueous solution of the extract will be treated with a 10% ammonium hydroxide solution. Yellow fluorescence will indicate the presence of flavonoids. The detection of saponins will be done using the frothing test. 50 mg of extract is diluted with distilled water to make up 20 mL. The suspension is shaken for 15 minutes, and a 2-cm layer of foam indicates the presence of saponins. The detection of alkaloids is done by Hager’s test, where 50 mg of solvent-free extract is diluted with a few mL of dilute hydrochloric acid and filtered. 2 mL of Hager’s reagent (a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid) is added to a few mL of the filtrate. A prominent yellow precipitate indicated presence of alkaloids. Qualitative analysis of the phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, and tannins is performed using previous methods. Prepare working standard solutions of concentrations of recommended ranges. Take the recommended volume of methanol extract and in both add the color developing reagents and analyze in the wavelength of interest. Determine the functional groups of the extract using a Fourier Transform Infrared spectrophotometer. Determine the compounds using a gas chromatography mass spectrophotometer. Feed the animals with the extract and determine the toxicity levels. Further determine the effect of the extract to the animal by sacrificing and determine the postmortem report.


Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology College of Pure and Applied Sciences


Natural Antioxidant
