New Jersey casino data

Published: 27 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vxrznz3syh.1
Linghui Tang


The data file (Stata), casinofinal.dta, includes quarterly online and B&m casino revenue, promotion, and hotel occupancy rate from 2012 to 2023. The user data of major US social media platforms are also included in the data set. Using the correlations between a casino’s online and B&M market shares in Atlantic City and the US social media platform user shares between 2012 and 2023, we developed a social media index to measure the effectiveness of social media marketing for the casino industry. Our findings indicate that SMMS used by online casinos increased patronage and spending in B&M casinos even though it did not increase long-term stay in Casino hotels.



College of New Jersey


Social Media Marketing
