Production Data and Forecast Result
This data contains crude oil production information from the North Dakota portion of the Bakken. The data was obtained from drillinginfo and additional data was obtained using production forecasting in PHDWIN. The additional data obtained as output of forecasting using PHDWIN include decline parameters like beginning data, ending date, initial and final rate, nominal decline rate, b-factor and the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR). There are 1,172 wells in this data. With the exception of the forecast data, the rest of the data can be obtained from public sources, although new information may have been added to the wells. At the time of retrieving the data, the information was up to date till February 2017.
Steps to reproduce
The data is available in public databases. The forecast portion of the data can be reproduced using any decline curve analysis software with the parameters applied. The goal is to obtain the EUR of the well.