Data for: Dating currency crises in emerging market economies

Published: 18 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vy6rbfyh97.1
Tjeerd M. Boonman


The data is centered around 35 emerging market economies, from 1990 to 2016, on a monthly basis. The data can be divided in three areas. First, the data to construct the currency crisis dummy variables. I specify the sources of the raw data and transformations. I include the spreadsheet with all operations, including macro’s to replicate and extend the country base. The spreadsheet contains a brief description in the first sheet. The original, raw data is not included due to publication restrictions. Second, the narrative contains a detailed description around events that are considered currency crises in other studies or that the six definitions employed identify as a currency crisis. The narrative is very useful to distinguish currency crises from other type of events. For each potential crisis date, we review academic papers and articles from Bloomberg, Economist, BBC News and similar sources, and where possible use more than one source per event. Third, a list of alternative currency crisis definitions. I have included the definitions of more than 70 papers on currency crises. Although not complete, the overview is comprehensive and can be helpful to anyone interested in the different definitions that are being used in the literature.



Economics, International Finance
