Using Monitoring and Mechanistic Modeling to Improve Understanding of Eutrophication in a Shallow New England Estuary
This data repository has been created to support Cashel et al. 2023 publication titled “Using Monitoring and Mechanistic Modeling to Understanding of Eutrophication in a Shallow New England Estuary”. This research served to explore the applicability of observed data and a dynamic, mechanistic fate and transport water quality model to assess eutrophication and hypoxia in the Pawcatuck River Estuary (New England, USA). Associated files include inputs from the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed HSPF model, atmospheric forcing functions, continuous and discrete observed data in the Pawcatuck River Estuary, and additional information used to support this research. Refer to Section 6 of the Supplementary Materials associated with this research paper for a description of the contents of each file.
Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA ORD Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Program, SSWR 405.2.1.10.