Using Monitoring and Mechanistic Modeling to Improve Understanding of Eutrophication in a Shallow New England Estuary

Published: 7 June 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vywyyks4r6.1
Finnian Cashel, Christopher D. Knightes, Chris Lupo, Traci Lott, Kelly Streich, Corey J. Conville, Timothy W. Bridges, Ian Dombroski


This data repository has been created to support Cashel et al. 2023 publication titled “Using Monitoring and Mechanistic Modeling to Understanding of Eutrophication in a Shallow New England Estuary”. This research served to explore the applicability of observed data and a dynamic, mechanistic fate and transport water quality model to assess eutrophication and hypoxia in the Pawcatuck River Estuary (New England, USA). Associated files include inputs from the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed HSPF model, atmospheric forcing functions, continuous and discrete observed data in the Pawcatuck River Estuary, and additional information used to support this research. Refer to Section 6 of the Supplementary Materials associated with this research paper for a description of the contents of each file.



Water Quality


Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. EPA ORD Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Program, SSWR 405.2.1.10.
