Data for: Zircon (U-Th)/He impact crater thermochronometry and the effects of shock microstructures on He diffusion kinetics

Published: 15 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vz9n7h42wy.1
Catherine Ross


1. Spreadsheets (SM_HeDiff.xlsx) with He diffusion data, diffusion data analysis, and ZHe dating results are included in a supplemental spreadsheet file accompanying this manuscript. Sheets 1-15: Step-heating fractional release results from the fifteen He diffusion experiments. Sheet 'Ries ZHe dating': Contains the reduced (U-Th)/He data for the Ries crater. Sheet 'Sample locations': Locations of Ries samples. Sheet 'Total He concentration calc': Calculation of total He volume based on the impact age, U-Th concentrations, and grain size. Calculation based on uncorrected FT age. Sheet 'U-Th concentrations': Spot analysis from grains after EBSD imaging. Average and standard deviation shown for U and Th. Averages used in He volume calculation in previous sheet. Sheet 'Regression_Ea_Do': Regression slopes and y-intercepts for one to three best fit lines for each of the diffusion experiments (Sheets 1-15). Activation energies and frequency factor/domain size calculations based on the regression lines. Diffusion domain size calculation based on an assumed activation energy included. Sheet 'Closure Temperatures': Iterative closure temperature calculation using diffusion parameters calculated in the spreadsheet above. Code/Software 2. Examples of Python Jupiter Notebook ('Arrhenius Plotter_18ries01-3-GINSTER-new 2022.ipynb') to plot He diffusion data and regress lines on an Arrhenius plot using Ginster and Reiners (2018) data reduction scheme.



Earth Sciences, Planetary Science, Diffusion, Kinetics, (Uranium-Thorium)/Helium Thermochronology
