Dataset of the Factors Affecting Students’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness in the Blended Learning Model

Published: 3 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vzxyvmf85g.1
Thi Mai Huong Vu


Dataset of the Factors Affecting Students’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness in the Blended Learning Model consists of two sheets of exel file. It is raw data exporting from Google form and coding to import SPSS solfware


Steps to reproduce

This study surveyed 1,276 pre-service teachers in Vietnam engaged in a blended learning curriculum. Besides the Demographics section, the dataset includes three main parts: 1) Personal information; 2) Internal and external factors affecting the self-study of the respondents; 3) The readiness for self-study of the respondents (defining goals, tasks, planning, implementation, evaluation). In parts 2 and 3, for each statement, there are 5 levels of response which are specifically described in each question.Data were quantitatively analyzed using SPSS, employing multiple regression, simple regression, variance analysis, and T-tests. The latent variables examined in this research encompass student demographics, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors, and the degree of self-directed learning preparedness.


Hanoi National University of Education


Higher Education, Blended Learning, Database
