Pharma 4.0 Studies from 2011-2024
The dataset used for the bibliometric analysis comprises studies on Pharma 4.0 from Scopus. It is organized into two files: one containing raw and uncleaned data (pharma_4_0.csv) and the other containing the cleaned data (Cleaned_pharma_4_0.csv) . The cleaning of the raw data involved eliminating studies that are either unrelated to Pharma 4.0 or not available. The cleaned data is therefore focused solely on studies pertinent to Pharma 4.0 and includes publication metadata as provided by Scopus. This dataset served as the foundation for the bibliometric analysis presented in the paper titled "Current State of Pharma 4.0: Research landscape, Barriers and Facilitators".
Steps to reproduce
As of 02/12/2024, conduct an advanced search in the scopus database using the following keywords. ("pharma 4.0" OR "pharma4.0") OR ("biopharma 4.0" OR "biopharma4.0") OR ("biopharm4.0" OR "biopharm4.0") Limit publication language to English and publication year to the range 2011 to 2024, (December 2nd)