How to design efficient renewable energy auctions? Empirical insights from Europe
Data accompanying the article Anatolitis, V., Azanbayev, A., Fleck, A.-K. (2022): "How to design efficient renewable energy auctions? Empirical insights from Europe". We conducted a fixed effects panel data regression to investigate the effects of certain auction design elements on the awarded prices in renewable energy auctions in Europe. Here you can find the following data: 1. R-code for the curation of data and the regression analysis 2. Renewable energy shares in European countries (based on data from Eurostat and own interpolation) for control variables 3. Data on European auctions (based on AURES II Auction Database) for dependent and explanatory variables This research was conducted as part of the project AURES II (Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 817619.