Top-Down Versus Operational-Only Business ProcessModeling: An Experimental Evaluation of the Approach Leading to Higher Quality Representations
Research Hypothesis: BPMN BPDs created using a TDMA framework are of higher quality than those created from an operational perspective only. The goals of the study are then: (a) To design an experiment with an appropriate case to assess the hypothesis; (b) Provide metrics to assess the quality of BPDs modeled for multi-modular case; (c) Analyze participant perceptions of using the TDMA framework; (d) Analyze results and formulate conclusions about which quality metrics capture significant differences between the two groups. Appendices captures the data from the experiment with novice modelers - their Educational Back ground, experience and familiarity with Software modeling; the lists of quality metrics used, and finally the artifacts used in the experiment and an example solution to the Case used in the experiment. Note: Further information on the dataset will be added in the next versions.
Steps to reproduce
The list of metrics and the associated scores in Appendix B can be used to reproduce the total scores achieved by the novice modelers for individual process models.