Verbal Segments and Multiple-pair Training in Relational Responding under a Transposition Paradigm in Children. Several studies have shown that the use of conventional verbal segments (CS) can facilitate the presentation of transposition responses, even in distant tests. In those studies: A) the effect of limiting the use of CS during task resolution was not systematically evaluated; and B) only two stimuli were used during training. In this context, the aim of the present study was to compare the functionality of three types of verbal segments: a) conventional-consistent (CC); b) unconventional-consistent (UC); and c) unconventional-inconsistent (UI), in the presentation of transposition responses, with 1 and 3 pairs of instances training. The findings of the present study suggest that: 1) CC verbal segments only became relevant, as facilitators, when more than one stimulus pair was presented in training; 2) the use of UI resulted in an interfering task that significantly limited relational responding under 3-instance-pair training; and 3) Regardless of the number of pairs of instances in training, participants trained with CCs obtained significantly higher percentages of correct answers in Test than those trained with UCs. The relevance of verbal segments and instance variation to the establishment of transposition responses is discussed. The present database shows the results of the described experiment. This is organized for the following manner: 1. Rows: every row represents the data of one participant, depending of the experimental phase (Training or Test). There were fifty-six participants. 2. Columns: 2.1 Participant: the column shows the ID of every participant, since 1 to 56, to every experimental phase (Training and Test). 2.2 Pairs: this shows the experimental condition, that is 1-stimulus-pair training and 3-stimulus-pairs training condition. 2.3 Verbal_segment: this presents the added verbal segment to every experimental group, that is a) conventional-consistent (CC); b) unconventional-consistent (UC); c) unconventional-inconsistent (UI); and d) without verbal segment (Wo). 2.4 Phase: this indicates the experimental phase, Training and Test. 2.5 Pass_Training: this shows the participants that satisfied the criterion in the Training phase (like “Yes”) or not (“No”), to advance to the Test phase. The criterion in Training was 10 correct consecutive trials. 2.6 Trials/PercentageCorrect: the column shows the total number of required trials to satisfy the criterion in Training or the percentage of correct responses in Test, depending on the experimental phase signaled in the “Phase” column. 2.7 Mean_latency_ms: this indicates the mean of response latency in the Training and Test, for every participant, expressed in milliseconds (ms). Note: Missing values in some of the Test Phase rows are due to subjects that did not satisfy the Training criterion of 10 consecutive correct trials.