S-OpenBot Academic Autonomous Robot

Published: 24 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w3gckpk2gz.1
Luisa Pineda,


S-OpenBot Academic Autonomous Car is a low-cost systems for research and learning of autonomous robotics and V-SLAM in a practical way, so the main contribution of this proposal is the generation of a system consisting of hardware, software and accompanying documentation to facilitate prototyping in mobile robotics. As a result, a platform has been developed with an approximate cost of US$200 that allows robotics practices at low and high level, as validation examples of the use of control of a mobile robot in differential model configuration using wheel odometry and more complex tasks such as the generation of 3D maps and estimation of trajectories and robot pose using a V-SLAM algorithm such as ORB-SLAM3



Corporacion Universitaria Autonoma del Cauca, Universidad del Cauca


Open Source Software, Educational Development, Open Source Product
