Technical Drawings for "Performance Coefficients for Thermoelectric Devices in Phase Change Operations"

Published: 25 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w4st8vxwvf.1
, Andrew Biaglow


This data set contains technical drawings to accompany a document submitted to HardwareX. The drawings are contained in the PowerPoint document, and there is a pdf file containing the same drawings. The full document will describe our design of a device that vaporizes and condenses various organic liquids, such as acetone, methanol and ethyl acetate. Briefly, we used a thermoelectric device sandwiched between two aluminum blocks to pump heat into a liquid. As the thermoelectric device is energized, one side gets hot and the other gets cold. The hot aluminum block is made to contact a liquid that boils as it absorbs the heat. As the liquid boils, the vapor traverses from the boiling chamber to the other block on the cold side of the device, where the heat is deposited and transferred through the aluminum block back to the thermoelectric device. The thermoelectric device is therefore acting as a heat pump, pumping heat from the condensing vapor back to the boiling liquid. To use the ems files, the reader will need to download the free CAD software from Additional information is contained in the Readme and PowerPoint files.


Steps to reproduce

The data acquired from the experiments give a direct measure of the heat of vaporization of the boiling liquid. The heat of vaporization was compared to published values in the NIST WebBook and other references. The measured heats were also used to calculate performance coefficients. Since this is a novel application, there is not a good source of literature data for similar coefficients. This will be tabulated in the accompanying publication.


US Military Academy


Heat Transfer, Thermoelectrics, Condensation, Distillation, Vaporization, Coefficient of Performance
