Microbiota Analysis for Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (Seyma IS & Faruk Berat AKCESME)
Supplementary Material Supplementary S1. Bacteria found in meconium (M) microbiota (Nagpal et al., 2016) and in lung (L) microbiota of patients diagnosed with pneumonia (Chamberlain, 2016) given together with the appropriate accession numbers of the 16S rRNA gene sequences. Supplementary S2. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V1 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S3. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V2 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S4. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V3 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S5. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V4 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S6. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V5 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S7. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V6 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S8. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V7 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S9. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V8 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P). Supplementary S10. Sequences of the hypervariable regions V9 of 16S rRNA genes of meconium-associated bacteria (M) and bacteria that cause pneumonia (P).