RNASeq data profile from Indonesian Recalcitrant and Non-recalcitrant rice varieties on anther culture

Published: 25 October 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/w5nj767fzk.2
devit purwoko,
, mega dewi haristianita


These RNA-seq data were obtained from the selected 3 rice varieties which represent Recalcitrant and Non-recalcitrant complete sets of transcriptome data generated from young tassels when the microspore stage was in the uninucleate stage.


Steps to reproduce

SRX16357934 (Tarabas), SRX16357933 (IR64), SRX16357932 (Fatmawati) reads were submitted to Galaxy (https://usegalaxy.org/) and Trimmomatic 0.38.0 (toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/pjbriggs/trimmomatic/trimmomatic/0.38.0) used to trim adapters and low quality bases (slidingwindow, 4 bases, 20 average quality). Paired trimmed reads were submitted to an assembly step via rnaSPAdes 3.15.3 (toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/rnaspades/rnaspades/3.15.3+galaxy2) using default parameters (select k-mer detection option: auto).


Badan Pengkajian da Penerapan Teknologi, Universitas Trunojoyo


Transcriptomics, Agricultural Plant, Crop Breeding, Plant Tissue Culture
